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Service for Australian rare cancer patients

The Australian Rare Cancer (ARC) Portal is an online referral service that aims to improve outcomes and access to research for Australians diagnosed with a rare cancer.

Working together with your existing cancer specialist, the ARC Portal offers expert clinical advice, particularly for Australians who live outside the major cancer treatment centres in metropolitan areas. 

The ARC Portal can assist a person diagnosed with a rare cancer and their clinicians at any time during a patient's rare cancer journey by:

  • Identifying management guidelines for rare cancers.
  • Identifying additional tests that may help establish the diagnosis or guide treatment.
  • Interpreting of an existing genetic reports or suggesting when a referral for genetic testing is appropriate.
  • Streamlining access to national rare cancer specialists including by telehealth or multidisciplinary groups.
  • Identification of relevant clinical trials or other research opportunities.

The ARC Portal is part of the Australian Genomic Cancer Medicine Centre, now known as Omico, and shares research infrastructure with the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research Stafford Fox Rare Cancer Program.

The Portal is co-led by Professor Clare Scott and Professor David Goldstein, and is managed by BioGrid Australia.

Patients and their families can find out more about the ARC Portal by heading to their website:

ARC Portal website 

12 November 2021
Category: News